Patient Participation Group

About the Group

Patient Participation Group

In November 2011, The Laurels and Sidney House Surgeries held its first Patient Participation Group meeting.

The aim of the Patient Participation group is to enable a representative group of the surgeries patients and relevant local agencies to meet with the staff of the surgery to raise patient concerns, suggest and discuss improvements to our services and facilities and to help facilitate a better understanding of the surgeries goals, procedures and limitations.

The PPG meets at The Laurels Surgery on a regular basis throughout the year, has elected officers and a formal constitution; which is set out below.

The minutes of the all meetings held thus far are available to download from the attached documents.

If you would like to consider joining the P.P.G please write to us at Sidney House and The Laurels Surgeries, addressing it to the Patient Participation Group.

a person using a laptop computer sitting on top of a table

PPG Newsletters

The PPG aim to produce this newsletter quarterly and it will be circulated by the following methods:

  • Email to those who have signed up to the Newsletter.  
  • Available from either Surgery (newsletter stands located in the reception area)
  • View a copy on the surgery website


Download the latest newsletter PPG Newsletter Winter 2019 Issue 1

To receive future editions of the newsletter straight to your inbox sign up below.

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Getting Your View

The group would like to contact patients on occasion by email and/or text so that they can obtain the views of the widest group of patients possible. We would like to obtain your email address and mobile phone number to do this. Please complete the Patient Contact Form to provide your consent for this.